A Short Talk On Flash Game Development
As part of an interview for a change of company in my day job (web app developer) I gave a 20 min presentation on a topic of my choice. I went with an overview of Flash Game Development – how you can easily do it as a programmer, and how you can make it work as a business. You can view the full presentation on slideshare by clicking the image below – just make sure to switch the comments tab over to 'speaker notes' (below the slides) as everything will make a lot more sense then!

From the slides, it looks like a great, quick overview of flash game development. How was the talk received?
Well I got the job, so I guess I came across well :)
I found this very interesting, great read!
Holy crap, you're alive! You disappeared for awhile, I thought the worst had happened. Nice to see you getting a bit of flash in your life, even at the day job. I recommend you get more, and start posting somewhat regularly again :)
Cheers Porter! Yes it's been all too quiet here for too long!!
This was actually really interesting. Most gaming blogs stick to the major consoles and PC gaming. Very good job.
Very interesting post. I really appreciate your work.